Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One Week Boutique

If you have little ones and haven't hear of One Week Boutique children's sale, you are missing out.

One Week Boutique is a twice yearly children's consignment sale specializing in the highest quality of gently worn children's and maternity clothing, shoes, toys, books, games, videos, baby equipment (strollers, cribs, high chairs, etc.) and baby and children's furniture.

Melissa Waller Photography & Design will be there! Come out and see us.

April 24-27, 2008
New Location! One Week Boutique will move down the road to 912 W. Anthony Drive in Champaign for our Spring 2008 sale. This is the former Rhodes furniture building, next to Culver's.

Our family started this sale to give residents of Central Illinois the opportunity to earn extra money by reselling their best quality outgrown children's items, while providing a vast assortment of merchandise at an affordable price for the thousands of families that shop our sale. OWB is an awesome GREEN! business... by reselling perfectly great items, the environment benefits as well.

Unsold items are donated to Crisis Nursery and Center for Women in Transition at the end of the sale. We invite everyone to bring Similac Advance Formula, Pull-ups and Playtex or Avent Bottles to place in the donation box at the entrance of the sale.

Check it out: http://www.oneweekboutique.com/. If you volunteer, you get to shop before the general public.